Monday, September 23, 2013


Man I haven't posted in a while! So much has happened in the last week and a half. That's why I titled this post "miscellaneous." It's just a collection of a TON of stuff! Starting last Saturday, I was VERY busy. A coworker (Charlie) and I went to the Temple of Heaven. To begin with, it was a gorgeous day, but then on top of that, it was just an awesome place. See how beautiful it is? And the platform I'm standing on is pretty high off the ground too, so when you're looking at it from the streets, it looks gigantic.

This is Charlie. He works with me in the WABX office.
Charlie took a great picture of me! Sure it took 10 minutes, but it was worth it in the end because it's pretty quality I think.
The next day, I went to church in the morning, taught the high school Bible study, ate lunch with the youth leaders, and then went for a run in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Park. It was so much fun to go see the place that all those great athletes competed in, and even more fun to run some of the trails that they ran for races. The Forest Park was this island in the middle of a lake with trails all over the place. It was a ton of fun!

Last week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, we did this thing called the Adventure Challenge for the elementary school kids. Grades 3-5 each had their own day to be in the gym doing these 5 obstacle courses all morning, and I got to run one of the courses. The goal was to give them a set of directions and grade them on how well they could adhere to the rules. The grade 3 kids were pretty cute, but they just....stink at doing stuff. I'm sorry. They just do. But the grade 5 kids I THINK may have been the most annoying. The obstacles were a little bigger than the other groups, but they've been doing the Adventure Challenge for 2 years before this, so they're really cocky and they just DO NOT listen to directions. So yes, they're smarter, but man they were way funnier because they had a lower completion rate than the younger grades! It was hilarious! Plus we were supposed to be a little harder on them because they're older so that was pretty fun. Here's my favorite class of the week:

I have to go to Volleyball practice now, but I'm not done, just so you know. I'll post again soon!

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