Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Man, Tuesdays are my favorite days for sure. Tuesdays are my day to design the Cross Country workouts, and I just slaughter them. There's absolutely nothing that I like better than watching a bunch of skinny kids REALLY suffer. I'm kind of joking, but kind of serious. I do the workouts with them, so I take my own medicine for sure, and I suffer with them, and I get to see that the suffering is worth it to them because the smiles on their faces afterward, knowing that they did something REALLY hard is so great.

In the Friday night youth Bible Study that I lead, we're having tons of fun. Most kids don't know a ton about the Old Testament, so I'm taking them through that. Last week we studied just Genesis 1 and 2, and we're studying the OT as a story, so we're not doing historical problems or evolution or the gap theory or anything. We're just studying the big picture of redemptive history, so we'll take phrases here or there and study them, or paragraphs that are significant to the overall story, so it's fun. We have several kids there that are either non-believers, or they are very young believers. They're the ones that ask the best questions. We went over how "made in the image of God" makes man significant. It gives us purpose and meaning in the sight of God, and it makes us unique among all His creation. Then we covered how we were made out of dust, which shows how individually we are irrelevant in God's big redemptive plan, and as a group, we are born, we die, and our legacies die into the dust with us. One kid, who professes to be not a believer asked, "So if we're made out of dust, how are we significant in God's eyes? Just because we're unique compared to animals doesn't mean that we're significant." Hm. Good question. So we explored that and talked it over. Anyway, tomorrow we do Genesis 3 and 4, so it'll be very interesting for them because they're so used to the gospels and the New Testament, but the gospel is right there in Genesis 3! "As soon as God sees man fall, He offers them a way out. Why? Wait and see!" That's my opening line. Pretty fun huh? I think it'll be fun. Anyway, just things to pray for if you ever think of it!

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